(Courtesy of: dreamitCoaching & Secrets of Heaven | www.secretsofheaven.com/free.html)
Have you ever had a vision of a dream, goal, or outcome that was just burning inside of you so much so that you could almost burst at the seems? A longing so strong and deep that it raced like a pendulum in perpetual motion back and forth across the picture screen of your mind? That's what happens when God gives you a vision of your future, of what's possible. Doesn't it just 'mess you up'?? All of a sudden, you feel a shift of some sort and the more you ponder on the glimpse of the future, what's possible the more dissatisfied you become with the current; with your current circumstances, because you know there's more | you're more | you've seen what is possible for you.
So what happens when you have two dogs, one cat, and four fleas? Four happy fleas!! Fleas are so irritable that all an animal with fleas can do is focus on finding relief. When our eyes become focused on our circumstances, it's hard to not only see beyond our circumstances (so we miss opportunities right below our 'nose'), but it's hard to see the treasure & wealth hidden in our circumstances which may simply be there to prepare us for the future we're so desperately longing to be in.
Does this speak to you? It spoke to me. God showed me a vision of our business while I was on a conference call, a vision 20 years out into the future!! And, it messed me up - BAD! My spirit felt as if it was already there, but the truth of what's possible had not materialized or manifested around me. I sat frustrated, deflated, and baffled until one day the Lord reminded me of one simple truth:
DO YOU REALIZE THAT IT HAS TAKEN YOU YOUR ENTIRE LIFE TO REACH THIS VERY MOMENT? Two seconds from now is in the future, but in 4 seconds that flash in the future becomes the past. In the eyes of God, He sees our birth, life, and death all at the same time. He stands outside of time and in His eyes what is to come already is and what already is has been!! I know that's deep, but meditate on that for a second.
What am I really saying?
- God does not consult the past to determine our future.
- We are painting the canvas of our future one second, minute, hour, day, week, month, and year at a time.
- You see your future is calling your present on the phone daily, moment by moment - and molding itself to fit the consequences of your daily routine, because the treasures in your future are hidden in your DAILY ROUTINE.
The Lord REDIRECTED MY FOCUS to look at my present/current circumstances and observe what is currently IN MY HANDS to see the treasures hidden not just in my current circumstances, but the treasures hidden in today.
Because today has never existed before and today will never exist again, but it is what you plant and sow in TODAY that determine the harvest and fruit of your future.
What treasures can you find in today and your current circumstances? How can you change your daily routine to change the canvas of your tomorrow??
Praying this nugget of wisdom blesses you!!
Founder, Secrets of Heaven
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