Okay, so by now you've completed Day 1 of the 7 Day Challenge and you're well on your way!! By the way, if you haven't completed Day 1 don't cheat yourself. Go back and complete Day 1. You can find the original instructions and questions for Day 1 on the tab titled, "7 Day 'Finding Your Land' Challenge! Day #1".
So you've really thought about your gifts, talents, and abilities. You've recognized the areas that you do well in and don't and you've identified those things that come natural to you, those things you're naturally gifted to do. Now it's time to go deeper. You will start to see the progression as we continue further along in the week, but for now just stick with me.
The action items in today's challenge (Day #2) will require that you let go! I mean it. Really let go. Let go of every reason in the past others have given you or you've given yourself for not achieving your goals or becoming the woman or man of God you know that you are. Let go of excuses. No more, "I just don't have time", because the truth is that we all make time for those things that are really important to us. I'm preaching to myself here too! Allow yourself to dream again. Remember when you were a little kid, watching super heroes on television.
You dreamed of becoming Wonder Woman or Superman. I'd tug my pink pillowcase underneath my shirt collar and standing on the arm of our sofa declare that all is well. Come on. I know I'm sounding silly here, but as children we were still innocent. At what point were we become 'molded' and 'reconditioned' to believe that all things AREN'T possible? Did not the Lord thy God himself say that all things are possible to him who believes? Then what happened to that dream locked away in your heart? That business you were going to start.... That degree you were going to finish... Meeting the amazing husband or wife God ordained for you since before the foundation of the Earth...
As a child, we just simply believed - without doubt or waiver. Perhaps that's why the Lord said that not only the pure in heart will see God, but that we are to have child like faith. Faith is an amazing thing. We will be doing an entire comprehensive teaching on faith in the near future and it will be life changing.
But for now, just close your eyes and imagine with me for a few moments. Money, time, resources is not an issue or a concern. What would you do? What would you do if money, time, and resources were not an issue? What would you do if everything you did would be successful? Think about it for a few minutes.
ACTION EXERCISE #1: Now write down the top five things you would do if money, time, and resources were not an issue:
Now sit back and relax, still with your eyes closed. Visualize in the picture screen of your mind each item on your list from the future. You've already accomplished that outcome. See the movie in your mind. What is your life like? How do you look? How do you feel? And allow yourself to feel it.
If you started that 50 million dollar company and five years later, you see yourself hosting a charity event for the opening of 10 hospitals in Africa that your company built and sponsors or the lines and lines of people waiting to receive boxes of clothing, food, and supplies that you helped sow into. See yourself ministering on stage and thousands of people are receiving healing in their bodies, miracles, signs, wonders, and receiving Jesus as their savior. See it. Feel it and remember what that feels like.
If you've always long to get that degree, see yourself with your cap and gown on walking down the aisle in slow motion. See the colors in vivid detail. Hear the music. See it. Hear it. Feel it.
God tells us to write the vision and make it plain on tablet so that those may run with it. Now God is talking about the tablet of your heart and meditating on God's promises and dreams he's placed inside of your heart is how those things are written upon the tablet of our heart. More on that process later.
The greater the vision and dreams God has placed in your heart, the greater the resources you will need to complete the vision, but in the place of your assignment God placed everything that you will ever need. It just a matter of you reconnecting with your purpose, assignment, authority, and possessing it.
Stay there for just a moment. What we're doing is finding your passion and reconnecting to your purpose, so today's ACTION EXERCISE #2 is:
1. What do you love to do, so much that you would do it for free?
2. Have you ever wanted to try out another career or occupation? If you could try it out just for the sheer fun of it with no concerns over income, what other careers or occupations would you try?
Hey, we found a great site called "Vocation Vacations". They created a network of mentors in various professions and allow you to take a vacation from your line of work to try out one you've always thought about or dreamed about. Pretty neat idea, huh?
If you need more ideas or are just curious, check it out!!
Day #3 will be sent out on Monday, February 28th, 2011.
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You can find the group by searching in Facebook under "God Made Millionaire" or by clicking here:!/home.php?sk=group_147873025272006
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Praying an open heaven of blessings over you always!!
Secrets of Heaven & dreamitCoaching - "Where dreams & reality meet"