part 2 of series: HABITS OF GOD-MADE MILLIONAIRES. Sign up to get entire series at:
Are you ready, because this is where the road divides between those who are serious and those who are not; those who are willing to go after God with everything in them to absolutely without doubt fulfill the purpose, vision, and assignments God has created for; those who say they want to walk in the prosperity due to them as a child of God and those who will. Are you up for the challenge? Okay. Below you'll find a link to the original post.
Here's how it works. Every day from today for the next 7 days (through Thursday, March 3rd, 2011) we will go through a series of discovery questions to unlock your purpose & destiny. This will require super focus and we're going deep here, so take your time and really try to be absolutely honest with yourself.
What does this have to do with becoming a God Made Millionaire? Your provision (finances included) will always be found where your assignment, purpose, and destiny is! Below are the discovery questions for Day 1. Enjoy!!
DAY 1:
1. What comes natural to you?
2. What do you do best?
3. Try to make a list of 5-15 things that come natural to you and you do best.
4. In your prayer time, ask the Lord out of everything on your list, "What are the top 3 items in your list in which you are strongest?
5. What type of things are a challenge for you? What type of things are a struggle for you? Write down at least 5 things on your list.
6. Do you serve in any ministries in your church or community? If so, do you remember an experience when you served and loved it? Where did you serve (children's ministry, usher, worship/music, etc)? What about the experience did you love?
7. What do people compliment you on the most (singing, writing, acting, hospitality, organization, financial management, parenting, leadership, etc.)?
8. Okay. This is the last analysis question. When you're watching the news or listening to the radio, what types of things either bring you to tears or infuriate you (stories of poverty, stories of sickness & disease, abuse, starvation, lack of education or issues in the education system, etc)?
If you've ever wondered how you fit into the five-fold ministry (apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher, Ephesians 4:11-12), I found a very comprehensive free spiritual gifts test that gives you a score as to where you may fit based on your response.
As you complete the exercises from day one, you should start to see puzzle pieces slowly coming together. By the end of the 7 day challenge, you should have gained clarity on the actual puzzle your pieces create and how your 'puzzle piece' fits into God's larger plan of building the Kingdom of God upon the Earth.
This is a glimpse of your natural & spiritual makeup.
We are here to support, encourage, and pray for you along your journey. If you haven't already ready we would love to invite you to join our new group: "GOD MADE MILLIONAIRES". It is a wonderful learning forum where we all have a love for Jesus and a commission to walk in the full manifestation of our inheritance both to support the work of the gospel and to be a radical blessings to all in our realm of influence.
You can find the group by searching in Facebook under "God Made Millionaire" or by clicking here:!/home.php?sk=group_147873025272006
Please post any questions, feedback, comments, issues, or concerns in the God Made Millionaires group above. If you have any personal questions you would prefer not to post or are interested in more one-on-one assistance through any of our personal development or coaching programs, please feel free to email us at:
You can also find the original article here and a ton of other amazing, content rich resources, tips, secrets, and trainings on our blog at: Feel free to sign up or pass it along to others who may be blessed by it as well!
Praying an open heaven of blessings over you always!!
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