Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Secret of the Wisdom & Wealth of King Solomon

Secrets, Insights, and Revelation from Heaven that will Transform You and Set You Free!


by: Cindy Garrett, Secrets of Heaven Ministries

Thursday, January 20, 2011

upernatural Wisdom and Wealth…  That should describe every child of God, but I know of few people in the kingdom who are seeing that level of manifestation of that in their lives, including myself.  So why should you listen to me and who am I anyway?  I am but a humble servant of the Most High and lover of our Lord Jesus Christ.

However, commissioned and charged by the Lord to build the city of his holy word in the heart of his children to set the captives free, I have been given by the Lord a rare gift, he has described as a Heart That Perpetually Hears From Heaven.  As a Psalmist and Prophetic Intercessor, I sit at the feet of Jesus and dictate the revelations, insights, and secrets He chooses to release upon the earth.  The revelation is His.  I can take no credit, except being so incredibly thankful to be a vessel yielded to see His dreams manifest upon the earth and his children set free.

  I've been in Proverbs, I Chronicles, and I & II Kings it seems forever studying to complete a book on the “Secrets of Heaven Hidden in the Wisdom of God”.  

ne day during my bible study time, the Holy Spirit asked me a peculiar question, "Did you know that King Solomon was the most wise and wealthy person upon the face of the earth of his time?" 
I answered the Lord, "Yes."  He continued, "Do you know the secret of King Solomon's Supernatural Wealth and Wisdom?" 

Okay, I dropped my pen at that point.  He had already captivated me, but I was stumped by the next comment from the Lord, because I was just thinking, 'Because you gave him supernatural wisdom, right?'  Before I could even speak that, the Holy Spirit said,

"No, it wasn't because he had wisdom.  He had something that others of his time did not have.  Something more powerful than you or anyone else is capable of comprehending." 

I waited for the Holy Spirit to continue on the edge of my seat, but there was a minute of silence - seemed like an eternity! "What Lord, What!?"  Then he said it.  The secret that transformed him into the most wise and wealthy person upon the entire face of the earth during his time....
Want to know what the Holy Spirit said?  Check back for the next supernatural revelation designed to unlock the secrets of heaven to set you free.

WANT MORE?  Every issue of this report series is breathed upon by the Holy Spirit and filled with life-changing revelation never released upon the Earth before!  Don’t miss one issue.  Subscribe to this report series today.  It will not only transform your life and the lives of those around you, but it will SET YOU FREE!

What if you had the power of co-creation in your hand? What if the greatness within you is waiting for one thing.... I would be honored if you would join me on this journey to discover secrets the Lord has yet to release, The Secrets of Heaven...

This is just a tiny glimpse of the many amazing truths, secrets, and breakthrough revelation the Lord dictated to me in volume one of four of my new book series, “A Heart That Perpetually Hears From Heaven: To The Edge of Eternity, Volume 1”. 

What you have just experiences is the second issues in an outline the Lord has given me for a new teaching series called, "Unlocking The Secrets of Heaven" to address many of the amazing truths the Lord has never released upon the earth before!  I am so excited, because I know that the revelation, insights, secrets, and truths the Lord is about to release will not only change your life, they will literally set you free!!

The teaching series will include:

*     - The Blueprints of Heaven.
*     - The Heavenly Courtroom.
*     - Amazing rooms in Heaven.
*     - Meeting the Minister of Music and Finance.
*     - The Eleven Dimensions of Creation.
*     - Living In The Glory Realm.
*     - Time Travel – What God has to say about it.
*     - How to see into the spirit realm.
*     - The Chronicles of Heaven & The Angels of Faith.
  And so much more... 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011



So how do you unlock your future?

The Lord whispered something so powerful to me, "So many of my children are trapped in the past.  They are in captivity in their mind - their thinking, trapped in their circumstances because they cannot see beyond their circumstances. It is a strategy of distraction. They cannot move forward if they keep stepping backward."

"One of the greatest tactics of the adversary is to change your focus. He will attempt to take your focus off of me; off of the words of truth and life, off of the counsel, leading, and direction of the Holy Spirit to REDIRECT YOUR FOCUS, YOUR ENERGY, YOUR ATTENTION, AND YOUR EMOTIONS onto your circumstances.  He will consistently remind you of the past and the failures of your past to cut off the path of your future, because you cannot see, move, or receive beyond that which you believe."


Did you know that God does not consult your past to determine your future?  Ruth is considered to be not only one of the greatest women who ever lived in the bible, but one of the greatest proteges of all time.  You know what made Ruth so EXCEPTIONAL??

Ruth refused to build her future around the events of her past. She was willing to pay whatever price to stay in the mentorship and presence of extraordinary people.  She left her Mother and Father and her country of Moab and followed her Mother-in-law Naomi.  She discerned the love and power of God, whom Naomi followed from what she had seen and decreed that Naomi's people and Naomi's God would be her people and her God, leaving to travel with Naomi to a place she had never been nor ever saw.

See, Ruth was willing to go where she had never been, partake an experience that was foreign to her, and DO WHAT SHE HAD NEVER DONE TO ACHIEVE SOMETHING SHE NEVER HAD!!

Can you truly expect to achieve or receive something you've never achieved, had, or received before DOING THE SAME THINGS YOU HAVE ALWAYS DONE??


GOD NEVER CONSULTS YOUR PAST TO DECIDE YOUR FUTURE! In fact your future is actually consulting your present to determine the timing and level of manifestation OF YOUR FUTURE!!

Okay, that was deep so let me repeat that one more time....

You are actually creating your future one minute, one hour, one day, month, and year at a time.  The things you focus on and your habits - YOUR DAILY ROUTINE is manifesting your future, literally!!

Brian Tracy, famous motivational speaker said it well when he said, "Change your thinking, Change your life", but I would take that one step further....  CHANGE YOUR HEART TO CHANGE YOUR THINKING, CHANGE YOUR THINKING TO CHANGE YOUR HABITS, AND IF YOU CHANGE YOUR HABITS - YOU'LL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!

You see the Holy Spirit is your counselor, teacher, and guide. He is not just inside of you if you are in a personal relationship with Jesus.  He is not just with you. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus, the source of maintaining and holding all creation together is INGRAINED IN YOU and YOU ARE INGRAINED IN HIM.  You are so dearly and tenderly beloved that you, YOU are imprinted upon the hands and heart of God. He rejoices over you with singing and He is guiding you along the path, continuously opening your eyes through the spectacles of FAITH to see in progressively greater detail the path to the land He has set aside for the fulfillment of the dreams, destiny, and purposes He has placed within you to release unto the world.... That the world might discover THE LOVE OF JESUS!  The truth of just how real He really is! 

He is holding your hands with His eyes fixated on You and when your eyes are fixated on Him, he is guiding gently step by step.  But what happens when you can no longer see Him, because your eyes have been redirected to see your circumstances??  Why is this so critical?  Because IT IS ONLY BY THE LEADING AND GUIDANCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT THAT YOU WILL DISCOVER YOUR LAND, YOUR DESTINY, PURPOSE, PROVISION, AND WEALTH. If you have a heart to build the Kingdom of God, do you think those opposed to that vision want you to come into wealth, focus, and clarity?? No.


You feel the weight of your circumstances and the joy of the Lord dissipates, because your focus has been secretly redirected off of the Lord.  The word of God tells us to not be ignorant of the ways and tactics of the adversary.  So he's a truth that will blow your mind.  The adversary only has the power you, mighty child of God who has been commanded to take dominion and given all power to tread over serpents, scorpions, and over all things under the influence of the adversary - delegate to him.  He has already been defeated and stripped of all power.

Just meditate on that.  You, created in the image and likeness of God - what would happen if you truly believed all that God has said about you?? What would happen if you truly believed you were who God said you were??

And what would really happen if you truly believed that you could have and do all that God said you can have and do??

What would you do, have, see, or experience if you really believed that all things are possible - because they are to HIM WHO BELIEVES.  BELIEVE!! Re-ignite the passion of your dreams. See them coming to pass in the picture screen of your mind. Print out pictures and post them on the mirror, on the refrigerator, on the wall, on your screensaver.  Allow yourself to see them, feel them, and experience them as they were have ALREADY COME TO PASS and PRAISE AND THANK GOD WITH ALL OF YOUR HEART FOR HIS GOODNESS.  Believe!

Until we meet again...

Cindy Garrett,
Founder, Secrets of Heaven International & dreamitCoaching



(Courtesy of: dreamitCoaching & Secrets of Heaven |

Have you ever had a vision of a dream, goal, or outcome that was just burning inside of you so much so that you could almost burst at the seems?  A longing so strong and deep that it raced like a pendulum in perpetual motion back and forth across the picture screen of your mind?  That's what happens when God gives you a vision of your future, of what's possible. Doesn't it just 'mess you up'??  All of a sudden, you feel a shift of some sort and the more you ponder on the glimpse of the future, what's possible the more dissatisfied you become with the current; with your current circumstances, because you know there's more | you're more | you've seen what is possible for you.

So what happens when you have two dogs, one cat, and four fleas?  Four happy fleas!! Fleas are so irritable that all an animal with fleas can do is focus on finding relief.  When our eyes become focused on our circumstances, it's hard to not only see beyond our circumstances (so we miss opportunities right below our 'nose'), but it's hard to see the treasure & wealth hidden in our circumstances which may simply be there to prepare us for the future we're so desperately longing to be in.

Does this speak to you? It spoke to me. God showed me a vision of our business while I was on a conference call, a vision 20 years out into the future!! And, it messed me up - BAD! My spirit felt as if it was already there, but the truth of what's possible had not materialized or manifested around me.  I sat frustrated, deflated, and baffled until one day the Lord reminded me of one simple truth:

DO YOU REALIZE THAT IT HAS TAKEN YOU YOUR ENTIRE LIFE TO REACH THIS VERY MOMENT? Two seconds from now is in the future, but in 4 seconds that flash in the future becomes the past.  In the eyes of God, He sees our birth, life, and death all at the same time. He stands outside of time and in His eyes what is to come already is and what already is has been!! I know that's deep, but meditate on that for a second.

What am I really saying?
  •  God does not consult the past to determine our future. 
  • We are painting the canvas of our future one second, minute, hour, day, week, month, and year at a time.
  • You see your future is calling your present on the phone daily, moment by moment - and molding itself to fit the consequences of your daily routine, because the treasures in your future are hidden in your DAILY ROUTINE.

The Lord REDIRECTED MY FOCUS to look at my present/current circumstances and observe what is currently IN MY HANDS to see the treasures hidden not just in my current circumstances, but the treasures hidden in today.

Because today has never existed before and today will never exist again, but it is what you plant and sow in TODAY that determine the harvest and fruit of your future.

What treasures can you find in today and your current circumstances? How can you change your daily routine to change the canvas of your tomorrow??

Praying this nugget of wisdom blesses you!!

Founder, Secrets of Heaven

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